Asbestos Litigation

Asbestos is a group of minerals , whose main property is resistance to fire or heat. Because of its special properties , asbestos was used for things that require heat or fire resistance, such as brake pads , seals and other equipment requiring high temperature insulation . In addition , inhalation of certain types of asbestos have a very harmful effect on humans. Is the cause of many diseases, including cancer ( mesothelioma) , because many types of asbestos have been banned in most countries.
When they discovered their harmful effects , the United States has included a law against it ( section 112 of the Clean Air 1970) , giving the name of a hazardous air pollutant . Since the law came , there have been countless lawsuits against companies dealing with asbestos. The case against asbestos is so severe that today, even companies that deal outskirts of asbestos have been slapped with lawsuits by people who claim that asbestos caused physical damage or been exposed to a potential danger.
Like most industries in the United States have some use of asbestos or other , there are demands for billions of dollars before the courts , many companies went bankrupt and cope with the demands of the heavy responsibility.

The results of a study showed that the total money spent on asbestos litigation , even half went to parts made ​​or injured. Most of them disappeared , legal fees and other costs . It is estimated that in the 1990s , deaths related to asbestos in the United States peaked Since then , applications have increased. Some of these cases have involved huge class action settlement . Consequently, many have passed reform laws in different states to regulate asbestos claims .
Although there were several genuine cases , there was an equal, or even greater than , the number of asbestos trial , which appeared fraudulent , because customers are not harmed , regardless of asymptomatic pleural plaques . Because this type of false declarations, have actually suffered asbestos had to settle for a lesser amount of compensation.
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