The Link Between Kidney Cancer and Asbestos

While many people know of the relationship between exposure to asbestos and lung cancer , you may not realize that ingestion or inhalation of asbestos has also been associated with cancer of the kidney or the kidney. The American Cancer Society estimates that 12,980 Americans die of kidney cancer each year. Although you can not protect you against anything that can cause kidney cancer , asbestos can be avoided to minimize the risk factor.As asbestos, there are other risk factors that can increase the chances of developing kidney cancer . Other occupational hazards include cadmium , benzene , trichlorethylene, and some herbicides. In addition , smoking and suffering from obesity can also increase your risk . Interestingly, however , the rate of kidney cancer have increased since 1970. While this may be attributed to improved detection techniques of cancer could also be that people who were exposed to asbestos before being banned are now developing this cancer .The problem with asbestos is that it was a popular material for doctors realized the dangers of the fibers. Although even the old Greek and Roman cultures asbestos used , did not become widely used - until the industrial revolution . Meanwhile , people stressed the need for insulation materials for motors and pipes now instead of buildings and ships .

People turned to asbestos because it has the ability incredible insulation. Asbestos is part of a family of inorganic silicates . The silicates are known for their ability to withstand heat , flame , chemical and biodegradation. In addition to these useful features , asbestos was also useful because it has a tensile strength and flexibility.Because of these useful properties , it is not surprising that asbestos has become a staple for the construction , automotive, transportation and more . In construction alone, asbestos can be found in insulation, vinyl flooring , countertops, roofing tar , roofing and shingles. The ships were built with asbestos insulation too . Finally, the automotive industry uses this material for brake pads, brake shoes , brake pads , clutch and seals.Asbestos can cause kidney cancer because your body can not process the fibers. When asbestos particles are released into the air or water , you can inhale or ingest fibers. Once in the body, can be trapped in their body or bike through the bloodstream and your body can not break . If they are in the blood , can be entrapped in the kidney filtration . From there, they can get stuck in your kidneys and cause malignant tumors.Kidney cancer can be particularly dangerous because it is so close to the bloodstream. If the tumor is malignant kidney , which can break off and flow through the bloodstream to other parts of the body.If you or someone you know has developed kidney cancer due to exposure to asbestos, you should speak to an asbestos attorney about your options . For more information , contact the attorneys of Williams Kherkher asbestos today.