Sorry about the mixup last night

The call was actually at 930 and not 9. My mistake.

Do yourself a huge favor and make the 2nd ever Crowd 2 Funding call tonight at 9:30 Eastern.

Even with me giving out the wrong time, there were still actually hundreds of people on the call with very little notice.

Two things very hot, Crowd Funding and now it is combined with the best compensation plan in history.

Corporate Crowd 2 Funding Call by Master Distributor
January 22, 2015 at 9:30 PM Eastern
605-562-3140 pin 981982#

Are you on our facebook group ?

Have you watched the compensation video on my site yet?

Share Because You Care,

Coach Van
Crowd 2 Funding

"Get whatever you want out of life by simply helping enough others get what they want."
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